One of the main tools that that Sri Anna uses to spread Bagavatha Dharma is Upanyasam, i.e discourses on a wide range of topics. This series is a set of discourses based on the 10 main Upanishads. Sri Sri Anna expounds the meaning of these sacred hymns in his own inimitable style along with the commentary of Sri Adi Shankara. The juxtaposition of Srimad Bhagavatam with the Upanishads from time to time offers the listener a comprehensive insight on the topic. It is beyond doubt that the loftiness of the subject matter transports the listener to a different realm .With a captivating and soulful voice Sri Anna explains the toughest of verses in the simplest manner possible. The Vedic series is a priceless resource for any ardent seeker of the highest truth.